Multicultural Collection

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Books of Note is an avenue for lovers of African American Fiction and Nonfiction to read and post book reviews, suggest and discover new titles and to learn more about the Union County Public Library.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Reading Record

How many of you are familiar with Good Reads ( or Library Thing ( These are sites that allow you to keep up with books you have read, are reading or would like to read. There is also a social networking component to these sites. They allow you to see what others are reading and are a good place to get new suggestions. I have tried both and so far I really like them. I have decided to use Library Thing for my library book log. My user name is gypsyreads. If you are a member add me to your list of friends. If you aren't yet a member consider joining.

If you are not that interested in the online book logs, it is still a great idea to keep up with the books you have read. I say this from experience. There have been many times when I see a book that looks interesting and start reading it, only to figure out that I have already read it. If you love reading, this can be kind of a let down. To help prevent the I've already read it let down, UCPL's Multicultural Collection has complimentary Reading Record bookmarks. Take one and start filling it out today. If you like, you can turn the completed bookmark in to the Reference staff and start a new one.

Don't forget that we are always looking for comments, book reviews and suggestions. Please help us to make the Multicultural News Blog a success.

That's all for now. Happy Reading!

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